We only contribute to people's technology, technology that empowers individuals to shape their own path to freedom.
JAM Tour
A global tour of educational events for developers and students at prominent universities worldwide featuring the JAM protocol, proposed by Ethereum and Polkadot co-founder Dr. Gavin Wood.
Gavin will present a demonstration of the JAM protocol, which is currently being implemented by 35 teams using 15 programming languages, and is aimed at people who want to create decentralised applications and use cases that benefit people.

Gray Paper Lectures
Lecture series at top universities around the world following the release of the "Gray Paper", a formal specification of the JAM protocol, published 10 years after the Ethereum Yellow Paper. Aimed at potential implementers to make JAM a reality.
Stanford University, University of Tokyo, Singapore National University, Seoul National University, ETH Zurich, and University of Buenos Aires(hosted by Polkadot Argentina community)
See our work from the archives: